
The paper "Automatic Detection of Urban Features from Wheelchair Users' Movements" by Gabriele Civitarese, Sergio Mascetti, Alberto Butifar and Claudio Bettini has been accepted at the 17th IEEE PerCom conference which will take place in Kyoto from 11th to 15th of March.

The paper "EPIC: a Methodology for Evaluating Privacy Violation Risk in Cybersecurity Systems" by  Sergio Mascetti, Nadia Metoui, Andrea Lanzi, and Claudio Bettini has been accepted for publication onTransactions on Data Privacy. This work is part of the Israeli-Italian Scientific and Technological Cooperation program, supported by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space, Israel under grant 3-12288, and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy.

Two papers have been accepted at the 16th IEEE PerCom conference which will take place in Athens from 19th to 23th of March:

  • The paper "NECTAR: Knowledge-based Collaborative Active Learning for Activity Recognition" by Gabriele Civitarese, Claudio Bettini, Timo Sztyler, Daniele Riboni and Heiner Stuckenschmidt has been accepted as a full paper at IEEE PerCom main conference. 
  • The paper "Modeling and Reasoning with ProbLog: An Application in Recognizing Complex Activities" by Timo Sztyler, Gabriele Civitarese, and Heiner Stuckenschmidt has been accepted at CoMoRea workshop, a satellite event co-located with the PerCom conference.




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